羅天一/胡冠域老師 (Ted Luor/Kent Hu)


TCG057301 - 投資理財實務  Investment and Asset Management

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這門課是從2008開課至今約有14年了,主要是提供年青學子對金融市場、理財工具及投資風險的認識、應用及實務上的現況。課程有基本的以水桶理論為例的會計學簡介、金融市場、理財常識、工具及商品(例如:股票及其衍生性商品)、固定收益型商品及保險商品等內容。課上除了透過一般的講授、討論及製作動畫影片協助教學外,互動上習慣請學生們一起上台以角色扮演方式配合課程”演戲”,因為”課上演一場戲,走出教室一輩子不容易忘記”。   This course started from 2008 and focus on basic concept, skills about investment and asset management. Courses include basic accounting, financial markets, financial instruments, such as stocks, fixed-income and insurance products, etc. In addition to the general lectures and discussions, some self made-films were also introduced in class. To help students to learn and memorize the contents , we also invite students to play and act, because we believe that once they have play for once they may keep in memory for lifetime.


https://youtu.be/NiPfRGzkJ-g 會計學-水桶理論

https://youtu.be/yFc0WHjA4mM 金融市場-晶龍篇

https://youtu.be/W5GpCn_hsVs 貨幣市場-霍碧篇

https://youtu.be/AiehAU5oUlY 授信業務-壽信篇

https://youtu.be/8bmkJoHd0js 金融八字講財力

