[講座] Visualized Environments for Creating Interactive Virtual Person for Learning and Training;講者:Dr. Maiga Chang(111.11.22)



In this lecture I will explain how chatbots can be created easily even for teachers and students who don't have background in terms of natural language processing concepts and techniques as well as programming skills. Two visualized environments will be introducedThe first one is a block-based editing environment and  a platform where teachers can create Speaking-based Conversation Quests (SBCQs) for different topics and assign to their students according to learnersEnglish speaking levels. 




講者也參與製作了一個可視化的堆疊式聊天機器人製作工具,能夠讓不夠熟練於製作聊天機器人的入門者快速製作出屬於自己的聊天機器人。主講者特別提到沒有人會能夠於1秒內回覆某人的訊息,因此他讓聊天機器人預設會延遲一段時間才給出某個隨機的回覆。最後闡述了為何線上溝通的實現上尚有不足,以GG這詞說明,Good Game在不同人的口中可以有不同的解釋法,因此這也是實現其目的的困難點之一。




Full Professor, Athabasca University, Canada

Distinguished Researcher Award 2022, Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE)

Chair, IEEE Technical Community on Learning Technology (https://tc.computer.org/tclt)

Vice President, International Association on Smart Learning Environments (http://iasle.net/)

Editors-in-Chief, ET&S (SSCI, https://www.j-ets.net/)

Editor-in-Chief, IJDET (ESCI, https://igi-global.com/ijdet)

Editor-in-Chief, Bulletin of TCLT (ESCI,  https://tc.computer.org/tclt/bulletin/)


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指導單位: 教育部    主辦單位:國立臺灣科技大學 高教深耕計畫、通識教育中心   講座類別:通識自助Bar 群英開講講座