TCG140 藝術與公共環境


1. 認識藝術與公共環境的源流與演變 2. 了解什麼是藝術的公共性與對社會的影響 3. 建構對公共環境的關懷與反思力


你是否曾在都市或鄉間與某些大型雕塑藝術相遇?這些藝術品為何在這裡出現?它訴說什麼故事與意義?與我們的生活環境有什麼樣的關係? 藝術走入公共環境的概念有不同的源流,一方面美國地景藝術與環境藝術家將創作空間媒材結合上大自然環境與素材,並逐漸開始反思人類文明與自然的衝突;再者許多國家在高度都市化的發展下,開始立法推動公共藝術設置,期許能在都會環境中培育民眾的美學經驗,從而罕見地從一種創作概念變成由公共政策推動的藝術類別。而由於當代藝術界不斷地內省,走入社會、與社會互動也成為部分藝術家倡議的重心,近年社會參與和公眾行動的概念促使公共藝術領域重新思考公共的定義與意涵,以及藝術的能量、創造與批判性,使藝術與公共環境的議題更為深廣。當今生活裡,已無可避免地經常遇上藝術在城鄉環境中創造的美感體驗。 本課程將從藝術與公共環境的多元發展源流談起,循著發展與轉型脈絡,探討藝術如何公共化?如何與我們的社會生活接軌?如何與環境永續的倡議結盟?配合豐富的藝術個案分析,與現場實地參觀,建構從觀念到實踐的認識。內容涵蓋(一)藝術在公共環境中的發展;(二)公共藝術的政策發展與概況;(三)藝術與社會參與。 Have you ever encountered large-scale sculpture art in urban or rural areas? Why are these artworks here? What stories and meanings do they convey? What kind of relationship do they have with our living environment? The concept of art entering public spaces has different origins. On the one hand, American landscape and environmental artists combine creative space and media with natural environment and materials, gradually reflecting on the conflict between human civilization and nature. On the other hand, many countries are promoting legislation for public art settings in highly urbanized developments, hoping to cultivate the public's aesthetic experiences in the urban environment. This has turned from a creative concept into an art category driven by public policy. As contemporary art continuously introspects and enters into society, interacting with society has also become a focus of advocacy for some artists. In recent years, the concept of social participation and public action has prompted the public art field to rethink the definition and implications of "public," as well as the energy, creativity, and criticality of art, making the issues of art and public environment more profound. Nowadays, it is inevitable to frequently encounter the aesthetic experience created by art in urban and rural environments. This course will begin by tracing the evolving origins of art and the public environment, exploring how art becomes public, how it relates to our social life.




#111-2 新增通識課程