

  • 頭獎(一名) 耳機
    二獎(兩名) 無線行動電源
    三獎(兩名) 防水底片相機



  1. 參與112-2通識中心舉辦的任3場通識講座、藝文活動
  2. 在報到處掃描LINE@ 集點QRcode累積活動場次 (包含城南藝文工作坊、藝文專車-故宮參訪)
  3. 每場核發一點,集滿三點,至通識講座活動網頁,點選此連結-->填寫集點樂報名表單
  4. 通識中心將於學期末公告獲獎名單


  1. 本活動限台科在學學生參與
  2. 限當學期有效,無法沿用到下學期,或轉讓給其他人累積點數
  3. 每人單場出席並掃描LINE@集點QRCODE算累積一場次,無法轉讓、與他人合併場次
  4. 集滿三點,且至通識中心活動網站填寫集點樂報名表單,才算報名參加抽獎活動。集點越多,抽獎機率越大!
  5. 實際出席將比照簽到表,採現場紙本簽到
  6. 將依法向財政部所屬地區國稅局申報(非本國籍學生,應按中獎價值預先扣繳20%稅款)
  7. 得獎者請在通知之期限內,至通識中心領獎,需出示本人身分證;外籍人士則帶居留證  



  • headphones*1
  • Portable power bank*2
  • camera(water proof, film)

Steps for the draw

  1. Attend any 3 lectures held by the Center for General Education in the semester 112-2.

  2. Scan the LINE@ QR code at the registration counter to collect points, and fill out the form on the webpage for the draw.(Cheak Link)

  3. The Center for General Education will announce the winners at the end of the semester.

Detailed Regulations

  1. This is for the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology students only.

  2. It is only valid for the current semester and cannot be carried over to the next one.

  3. Each person’s attendance and scanning of the LINE@ QR code at a single lecture can be counted as one point. The point cannot be transferred or combined with that of others.

  4. Accumulate three points and fill out the registration form on the Center for General Education website to enter the draw. The more points you accumulate, the higher your chances of winning.

  5. Signing in at the registration counter is required and the actual attendance is based on the sign-in sheet.

  6. The winners should file the tax to the local National Taxation Bureau of the Ministry of Finance, while non-Taiwanese students should prepay 20% of the prize value as tax.

  7. The Center for General Education needs to show the identity certificate to accept the award; foreigners need to bring a residence permit.


※The prize details and specifications are subject to the actual item, and the winners cannot request a replacement for the prize.

The organizer reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the activity at any time. Any changes or additional details will be posted on this webpage and will not be individually notified.

