TCG098 細胞、分子與生命



一、讓非主修自然學科的同學能夠瞭解生命現象。 二、尋求生命科學與其它學科之間的關聯與流通。 三、由瞭解生命現象與啟示反省人類社會之行為。


本課程鼓勵以『你的觀點』去看待生命,然後檢討你所認知的生命,與不同領域的同學,到底有多大的落差或偏執,並反思如何調整、校正、互相理解,共同達致最接近真實的生命觀。 This course encourages students to examine LIFE deeply from personal view point. Consequently, she or he could reflect the difference or deviation among various disciplines including their own specialty. After discussions, adjustment, and communication in this course, students might achieve a deeper understanding toward the reality of life, and know how to behave themselves in the future life.

