TCG077 印尼語言與文化



在東南亞有超過2億五千萬人口使用印尼語,學習印尼語及印尼文化將開啟與印尼語系使用者(印尼、馬來西亞)溝通橋樑,此課程主要讓學生學習1.印尼文正確發音,讓印尼人聽懂您說的印尼話、2. 認識印尼語文基本概念與文法以及印尼文化,讓你未來到印尼、接觸印尼人或印尼文化時,有個基本的概念。3.簡單介紹自己、並且認識印尼朋友,可說出約2-3分鐘的自我介紹以及書寫自我介紹的短文。 課程的進行方式是讓學生輕鬆愉快的氣氛下認識印尼文化、掌握學習印尼語的技巧、累積單字量,在輕鬆的氣氛下充實學習。 Learning the Indonesian language, or Bahasa Indonesia, opens the door to talking with more than 250 million people in Southeast Asia. Indonesian is widely understood in both Indonesia and Malaysia, where the national language is Malay - a closely-related language. Both countries are important to Taiwan, with well-established and growing links in tourism, business, and education as well as a range of social and cultural connections.


認識印尼文化並學習基礎印尼文字彙與文法使學生能應用於日常生活。建立簡單的印尼文聽、說、讀與寫的能力,自基礎發音開始講授,以循序漸進方式,將初級印尼之文法句型做有系統及完整之介紹。並配合當日授課內容,實地進行演練,確實培養聽、說、讀、寫及溝通表達能力。 課程主題包含:自我介紹、飲食文化、旅遊、藝術與文化、介紹臺灣等等。//To learn and understand the Indonesian culture and its unique characteristics, this introductory course for beginning students of Bahasa Indonesia develops the four language communication skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It introduces basic vocabulary and grammar and provides opportunities for students to enhance their understanding and appreciation of the Indonesian culture. Topics covered include: Introducing yourself Food Travel Art and culture Talking about Taiwan For participants to choose

