1. 簡易德國文化及近代史介紹 2. 教授基本德語發音、文法與語法結構,能與德國人進行基本對話。 3. 可以德文書寫並口頭進行自我介紹。 4. 介紹「使用德語」的國家─由德文的發音、文法及結構探討語言與社會生活文化的交互作用。 5. 面對德國人、事、物與文化時,有面對異文化尊重與接受之態度及基本應對概念。 1. Introduction to German culture and recent history. 2. Introduction to the basic structure of the German language (alphabet, pronunciation, some basic features of German grammar) 3. Students will be taught simple conversation patterns so that they will be able to introduce themselves (both orally and in writing) at the end of the term. 4. Introduction to the German-speaking countries with a focus on contemporary German society. Discussion of stereotypes and perceptions of culture by contrasting features of German society with Taiwan and other countries. 5. The course is particularly suitable for students who are planning to study or travel in Germany or in other European countries. Students will increase their cultural competence by becoming aware of cultural stereotypes and by reflecting on differences between German society and culture and their own backgrounds.
1. 本課程著重於兩個目標:認識基礎德文及當代社會與文化 2. 每堂課透過介紹德文語法結構,使學生能將基礎對話學以致用。 3. 課程將從不同的面向來介紹德國當代社會與文化,例如:教育體制、日常生活(工作與休閒娛樂)、家庭模式、飲食等等。為了使同學對德國文化有更深入的了解,在課堂中會介紹德國近代史及近期相關事件,例如德國難民危機和歐洲移民危機。 4. 語言及文化比較:分析比較中文、英文和德文語法結構,並了解其社會、價值觀、生活態度的差異。//1. The course and each lesson have two objectives: Introducing basic features of the German language and familiarizing students with the culture and society of contemporary Germany. 2. Each lesson will provide an introduction to the structure of the German language that will be necessary for mastering simple conversation patterns used in daily life. 3. Each lesson will focus on some aspects of contemporary German culture and society, such as the education system, work-life and leisure life, family patterns, food, etc. Germany’s recent history will be reviewed and discussed to ensure a better understanding of German society today. The course will also cover very recent events, such as the refugee crisis and migration. 4. Linguistic and cultural comparisons: Students will analyze and compare the syntactic structures of Mandarin/English and German, as well as the differences in societies, value systems, and attitudes towards life.