[F Area] Exploring Taiwan: natural environment and resources (NTU)

Course Objective

It will give international students a wide range of background knowledge, increasing their understanding of Taiwan and enabling them to take advanced courses lectured in Chinese or partake in research in the future. 

Outline of Course

Taiwan, an island country rich in biodiversity, located between Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate, the geological structure is relatively young. The frequent orogeny in Taiwan form many towering mountains, so even though Taiwan is in the tropical and subtropical zone, the temperate climate can still be found at high altitudes. In addition, the creatures adapted to different climates can survive in Taiwan.

Taiwan is also known for its high percentage of endemic species. It is because, during the Ice Age, Taiwan was connected to Eurasia. After the Ice Age, Taiwan was isolated by the ocean, and many lives gradually evolved into endemic species on the island. Nowadays, the proportion of endemic species in Taiwan is about 71% in mammals, 17% in birds, 22% in reptiles, 31% in amphibians, 19% in freshwater fish, 25% in plants, and 60% in insects.

Although the land area of Taiwan is only 0.027% of the total of the world, the number of species is as high as 3.8%, which is 150 times the global average. Furthermore, the marine species around Taiwan are about 10% of the world, 361 times the average. Taiwan is not a country with a large territory, while its rich biological resources are fantastic. Based on that, we invite guest speakers in different fields to talk about Taiwan’s geography, wildlife, ecosystem and culture. They will help students to learn more about the beautiful nature of Taiwan. Besides the lectures, students could also build a comprehensive knowledge through the three various field trips (two assigned trips and one self-planned trip). 


Week1 Introduction
Week2 Geology of Taiwan
Week3 Mammals of Taiwan 
Week4 Birds of Taiwan 
Week5 Amphibians in Taiwan 
Week6 Snakes in Taiwan 
Week7 Flora of Taiwan 
Week8 Group Project Discussion 
Week9 My days in Taipei Zoo 
Week9 Taipei Zoo Tour 
Week10 Campus tour to NTU Herbarium, Forestry Department and Zoology Museum 
Week11 Climate Change in Taiwan
Week12 Pelagic Ecosystems 
Week13 Freshwater Fish in Taiwan 
Week14 Tea Culture and Science in Taiwan 
Week15 Group Project Presentation 
Week16 Final Exam 

Course Code: 3TG059701

For further information please visit Course System.

#GE Type: F

#NTU General Education Course