[D Area] Globalization and Culture

Course Objective

Globalization is one of the most important dynamics of contemporary social life. The world is increasingly interconnected, and many scholars purposed the possibility of life in a ‘global village’. But what does globalization really entail? And what are the forces that shape it? This course explores these key questions, largely from the point of anthropology, sociology, and cultural studies—the approaches that have done the most to help us understand the culture.

Outline of Course

1 Introduction to the course. Getting to know each other.
2 The Cultural Concept of globalisation
3 Culture and Social Evolution
4 Globalisation: From Fordism to Flexibility
5 Cultures in Motion: Culture, Connectivity, and Globalisation
6 Families in Flux: Kinship, Migration, and the Movement of People
7 From “McDonaldization” to NO LOGO: Commodities and Commercials
8 mid-semester exam/assessment
9 How is the global localised? Cultural appropriation and Cultural Hybridity
10 The Internet, Social Media and economy: ‘knowledge economy’ and ‘Gig economy’ 1
1 Globalisation and social responsibility: Sustainability
12 Culture, Ideology and Consumerism
13 Global capitalism: Capital, power, and transnationalism
14 Globalisation, Cultural Knowledge, and the War on Terror
15 Anti-Globalisation and Alter-Globalisation
16 Final assessment

Course Code: TCG081302

For further information please visit Course System.

#GE Type: D

#NTUST General Education Course