
🌍This post :The English version can be found after the Chinese.










🔗通識抵萬金教師專訪! |通識抵萬金 | 112-1 |











“More than the featherweight” Begins!

👉Q: What is “More than the featherweight” ?

A: It is an event for writing and voting on general education courses and social practice stories. Its purpose is to invigorate the atmosphere of general education on campus and to enrich students' personalities and spirits through general education courses.

👉Q: Why should I participate?


✨【Basis for Course Selection】Online information may not be accurate. The reflections you write this year will benefit future students of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology! Students are also welcome to read reflections from previous years for richer and more authentic course selection references.

🔗Click, scroll down to read past excellent articles.


✨【Limited Rewards】The first 50 students who submit contributions will receive a voucher worth NT$100 each (combined calculation of course reflections and social practice stories); students on the list will also receive equivalent vouchers and certificates!

✨【Teacher Recommendations】Through this event, students can

🔗 "More than the Featherweight" Teacher Interview! | "More than the Featherweight" | 112-1 |


👉Q: How can I participate?

Please refer to the submission method on the following page. In short, prepare three items: the content of the manuscript, proof of enrollment (for the class you wrote about), and a signed registration form. Once you have these ready, you're all set!

🔗Regular Information - Call for Essay


✏️From now until September 2nd, 113 (Monday), are you ready to write down your recommended "Courses" for everyone and also share with us the impressive stories from your "Social Practice" experiences?

*💗✏️Course Reflections✏️Social Practice Stories: you can participate in both or just one!

🔗Click here to become one of the ✨first 50 students to submit contributions✨ and ✨award-winning students✨!
