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[B Area] University Social Responsibility Advocacy: Self Media Practice and Content Development

Course Objective

As higher education institutions worldwide place social responsibility on top of their strategic priorities, it is vital that the students are engaged in the conversation. This course explores the relationships between universities, students, and impact with a series of guided student-generated content (SGC) video podcast assignments. There is no shortage of open-access tutorials that offer the technical “how-to” to anyone interested in making a video podcast. Rather, the challenge is meaningful content. The emphasis of this course is to examine issues related to university social responsibility through modern-day relevant enquiry methods. Students learn fundamental research design, practice interview skills, become active investigators, and spark discussions on campus about the various university social responsibility initiatives in the pursuit of making an impact.

Outline of Course

課程簡介 - 作業說明、課堂須知、學習需求與期待
課程模組規劃介紹 - 訪綱設計、訪談實作、影音播客之概述
訪綱設計1 - 定義訪談方向、內容及訪談對象
訪綱設計2 - 訪綱撰寫概論與資料蒐集
訪綱設計3 - 進行假設、設計問題架構(Mind Map)
訪綱設計 4 - 完成訪綱
訪談規劃 1 - 訪談展開前的注意事項
訪談規劃 2 - 訪談技巧:提問策略、聽與回應
訪談規劃 3 - 訪談流程設計 訪談實作
影音播客內容製作 1 - 影音播客技巧與內容規劃要點
影音播客內容製作 2 - 訪談內容/影片 整理及歸納
影音播客內容製作 3 - 撰寫影音播客逐字稿
影音播客內容製作 4 - 錄音、剪輯與後製作品
成果分享會1 - 作品統整、呈現、反饋
成果分享會2 - 作品統整、呈現、反饋

Course Code: TCG111301

For further information please visit Course System.

#GE Type: B

#NTUST General Education Course

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