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Arts and Cultural Activities

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Arts and Cultural Activities Spring Term 2024

[24 May 2024] TaiwanTech Artists-in-Residence Program X Liberal Arts Course
Performance and Light Installation 

On 24 May 2024, the results of a unique educational project that combined the Taiwan Tech Artist-in-Residence Program with the CGE course "Introduction into Interdisciplinary Art Practice" was showcased on Taiwan Tech campus. The centerpiece of the evening was "Mixer" created by the 2024 Artists-in-Residence, CHEN Hsuan-Ming and HUANG Jui-Min of the internationally renowned 9-Grid Design group, followed by four student works titled "Renaissance," "Dotted Notes," "Colorful," and "Inside and Out."
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[19 April 2024] Spring Vocal Festival:  NARIN, A Cappella group from Korea


 Narin [아카펠라 나린]   is a pop-style Korean a cappella group, founded in 2016. Since the beginning of their career, NARIN has successfully participated in international competitions, and they attracted international attention with their cover songs on YOUTUBE. These days, NARIN mainly focuses on creating their own, original songs.
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