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[B Area] EU, Globalization - SDGs Across Domains and Localities

Course Objective

 From the EU's core policies, it explores regional and transnational cooperation in engineering, nature, biology and humanities fields. Through the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) echoed by Taiwan's and EU policies; let Taiwan's environment, society, economy, and culture move towards a sustainable country.

Outline of Course

1:Introduction to The digital transition, Green Deal, and our lives.

2:Introduction to the United Nations SDGs and our lives.

3:Talk about the importance of the product life cycle from the European Chips Act.

4:Talking about the importance of Urban Mining to environmental change from Danish and Belgian companies.

5:Talk about smart infrastructure from the EU transport system policy.

6:Talking about the application of space remote sensing to environmental change from the EU Space Programmes.

7: From the crisis of the food supply chain of the Russo-Ukrainian War in 2022.

8:Talk about the impact of product life cycle on the planet/climate from the EU CEAP.

9:midterm exam.

10: From the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy talks about the degradation and recovery of ecosystems.

11:From the EU Green Deal to restore the ocean target - DTO.

12:From the international cooperation between the EU HERA and its global partners in the face of medical emergencies.

13:Start with related stressors caused by Covid-19, maintaining or restoring good mental health/recovery.

14:Talking about whether AI/robots can make fairer decisions from machine learning.

15:Talk about the application of blockchain technology from the campus use of Europass Digital Credential.

16:Final report.

17:Field Trip: Visiting partners of Dutch Vanderlande logistics company.

18:Sharing of field trip experience

Course Code: TCG130301

For further information please visit Course System.

#GE Type: B

#NTUST General Education Course

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