TCG110301、TCG110302 - 永續發展與社會 Sustainable Development and Society
科技的進步應提全體人類社會的福祉,透過循環經濟的案例將人文關懷與社會思考傳遞給學生。社會由下到上,包含公民團體、企業與政府,如何群策群力,從改變企業生態、公司文化,來實踐減碳、發展綠能、碳中和等各項技術。課程以主題式案例研討進行,提供實際改變可能,促使學生思考專業能力如何達成永續發展目標。,培養其見樹又見林的永續意識,希冀培養具人文精神與永續精神的全球科技人。 | The progress of science and technology should improve the well-being of human society. This course conveys humanistic care and social thinking to the students and cultivates a comprehensive sustainable consciousness through theme-based case studies of the circular economy. It aims to cultivate global scientific and technological sojourners with a humanistic and sustainable spirit. | |
110學年度 通識抵萬金-「文化共榮獎」蘇金輝老師專訪: