
【活動】 112-1填寫講座問卷抽禮卷


  1. 參與本學期任一場通識教育講座
  2. 講座結束後限定5天內,填寫講座回饋問卷 
  3. 通識中心將在活動截止後7天內於FB、IG公告獲獎名單,並通知得獎者

 100元超商禮券 1人/場


  1. 本活動限台科學生參與
  2. 得獎者請在公告指定期限內,至通識中心(IB-1215室)領獎,需出示本人身分證;外籍人士則帶居留證  
  3. 將依法向財政部所屬地區國稅局申報(非本國籍學生,應按中獎價值預先扣繳20%稅款)



  1. Attend any of the lectures held by the Center for General Education.
  2. Submit your reflection through an online form before the deadline.

  3. The Center for General Education will announce the winner’s list on social media after the deadline and inform them to claim the prize.


     NT$100 voucher of the convenience store *1

【Detailed Regulations】

   1.This is only open to the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology students.

   2.The General Education Center (Room IB-1215) needs to show the identity certificate to accept the award; foreigners need to bring a residence permit.

   3.Report to the State Taxation Bureau of the region where the financial department belongs according to the law (students who are not from their own country should withhold 20% of the award value.)


The details and specifications of the awards are subject to the actual objects and the winners are not allowed to request the replacement of the award.

The organizer reserves the right to modify, suspend or terminate this activity at any time. Any changes or detailed precautions will be published on this page without prior notice.
