
[講座] AI繪圖的應用;講者:林豪鏘 (112.5.16)

講座內容 :


Application of the AI Art Generator

Everyone has a different definition of art. Professor Koong Lin believes that “art” is a constantly changing concept. We will find different art properties in different time and space environments. One of the main reasons is that art seems to be bound to “innovation”. AI’s ability exceeds our expectations and even approaches the artistic and creative performances that humans are proud of. AI art/drawing is an important  innovative tool for today’s AI generator. By learning and understanding, people can co-create with AI effectively.


講者介紹 :


  • 國立清華大學資訊科學博士
  • 臺灣科技藝術教育協會理事長
  • 國立臺南大學數位學習科技系教授
  • 國立臺北商業大學創新設計學院院長
    指導單位: 教育部    主辦單位:國立臺灣科技大學 高教深耕計畫、通識教育中心   講座類別:通識自助Bar 群英開講講座  