This course will encourage students to apply critical analysis to the media they consume, exploring the relationship between media and culture. It helps students to develop the skills necessary to evaluate media texts and research cultural issues and to examine many different forms of media, and media from a variety of world cultures. Students will learn how to analyze, interpret, research and evaluate material in these various media. The skills learned in this class can be used outside the classroom for analyzing any media text they encounter. Students will be trained to question what they see and hear on screen, to uncover underlying messages, and to evaluate the validity of media messages. 本課程鼓勵學生以批判分析方式,閱讀各種媒體資訊,並探討媒體與文化之關係。在課堂上學生學習如何分析、解釋、研究及批判各種媒體的內容,並學會分析銀幕上呈現的訊息之真偽及內在含意,且能評斷媒體訊息的效度。
1. 開發批判性思考及分析能力 2. 探索電影、電視之歷史 3. 分析電影及電視之內容 4. 解釋及評斷新聞媒體 5. 發展評斷媒體之能力 6. 批判式分析Youtube影片 7. 探討媒體內文之社會政治因素 8. 檢視媒體對社會議題(譬如性別)所扮演的角色 9. 檢視性別議題的文化角色 10. 批判媒體對族群議題的公正性 11. 批判媒體反映社會的正當性 12. 發展適應未來多元媒體的技能