
HCG016 體適能評估與運動處方之理論與應用


This course will introduce students the concepts of fitness assessment and exercise prescription and students will learn how to use the fitness assessments and how to follow the results to design the exercise prescription. Students will learn to interpret the results and design the exercise prescription for normal and special populations. The topical areas include body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, and performance/athletic components.


1. 身體活動/體適能/運動介紹

2. 體適能評估介紹:初步篩選、組成項目和程序。

3. 運動處方介紹:組成項目及程序

4. 體適能評估:心肺適能指南

5. 體適能評估:柔軟度指南

6. 體適能評估:肌力和耐力指南

7. 體適能評估:運動表現/競技體適能

8. 體適能評估:年長者

9. 運動處方:心肺適能指南

10. 運動處方:柔軟度指南

11. 運動處方:肌力和耐力指南

12. 運動處方:運動表現/競技體適能

13. 運動處方:年長者



